San Martino company Print


San Martino organic farm

San Martino organic farm was established in 1989 and since then has been producing, processing and selling its products, all from organic agriculture. In 1996 San Martino achieved its certification from Bioagricert as far as the largest walnut grove of the Chandler variety in Italy is concerned. Thirty hectares of irrigated land, completely mechanized and organic, lie on a fertile plain at the feet of the most beautiful valley of central Romagna- in between Valle del Bidente and Valle del Montone – nearby Bertinoro, Predappio and Terra del Sole. Terre di Romagna organic walnuts grow therefore in these ancient lands- well-known for the quality of their products- While still green, they are macerated for two long years in order to get Nocino Terre di Romagna, a fine walnut liqueur.


San Martino
Via Persiani, 63 - 47100 San Martino In Strada (Fc)
Tel. (+39) 0541/759555 Fax (+39) 0541/756363


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